Paid to Post Forum: Join Now!

This time you can be sure that the forum I am referring now is not like the earlier one which I doubt is going to go into 'scams' list. The forum I talk here is called "MoraChat. I joined this forum and I am continuously working on the same.

This forum is like any other paid to post forums, has many many categories of topics where you can post. There are some topics which you get to access to after you complete 200 posts on the forum. But there topics are not more than 5% of the total topics.

One thing I like about this forum is that the admin and the moderators are very strict about the quality of the content being posted on the forum to ensure that only 'quality' posts exist across the forum. If you are aware of the Mylot and its earnings, MoraChat is the similar payment model but I bet much better than Mylot in some ways.

You can join this forum from this link and start posting to see the earnings growing!


reet said...

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