Earnings & Advertising with AdFlasher

AdFlasher is one of the high paying, genuine and legit sites around. This is a comparatively new website which has grown very fast in last few months. Previously it was a free site with a 'paid member' option, just like premium members. Even now it has both the user categories but if you are a paid member on this site, you get to view more ads and you reach faster to the payout limit.

Ad Views are assigned to members a couple of times in a month and you have to complete the ad views to get the funds added to your account. In the last week this site has increased it's minimum payout limit from $30 to $100, which is a far more than what people expected or prefer. It makes me a little nervous that I won't be paid in the next payment cycle but I am sure I will reach the payout soon.

Register for a free account first and see how you like it. I am sure you will like it and you can become a paid member and earn more here.


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